When you click these links you will be leaving our website. We are not responsible for the content on the other sites.
ELCA Youth Ministry Network The ELCA Youth Ministry Network seeks to provide opportunities for spiritual renewal, continuing education and networking for adults who work with children, youth and families in our congregations.
Practice Discipleship Initiative The Practice Discipleship Initiative is offered by the ELCA and the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. It fosters faithful, thoughtful and intentional leaders in congregations who follow Jesus in their daily lives. It offers online and in person education opportunities for adult leaders throughout our church.
Youth Ministry Links More resources curated by Pastor Paul Amlin & Pastor Janelle Rozek Hooper who both work at the churchwide office of the ELCA.
Martin's List This website is a ministry of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network. It has ideas and resources created by ELCA children & youth ministry leaders across the country. You have to be a member of the network to use Martin's List. So we suggest becoming a member if you aren't one already.
Christian Education Network of the ELCA - There are some resources that are open to the public and some that are only for members. Maybe you'd like to join?
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries - A professional organization for camp and retreat center leaders.
Vibrant Faith Vibrant Faith, more than anything, is a state of heart. When the people of God live an active and vibrant faith, the world is changed. As an organization, we are a team of passionate ministry leaders on a mission to explore the changing landscape of faith formation in the hearts of people today. We serve God by serving the Church and its leaders. That’s what matters most to us.
Youth Leadership Serving leaders in ministry, YL's focus is to help leaders nurture their influence with teenagers and their families. We offer a unique, relational approach to leadership development through training, speaking and coaching.
Lifelong Faith Associates Founded in 2007 Lifelong Faith Associates is committed to helping congregations develop lifelong faith formation for all ages and generations, increasing the capacity of leaders and communities to nurture faith growth for all ages and generations.
Faith Formation 2020 The Faith Formation 2020 Initiative guides congregations and their leaders in imagining new directions for faith formation and designing 21st century innovations. The tools and resources on this website are designed to help you and your congregation design models, practices, strategies, and activities to address the spiritual and religious needs of all ages and generations in your congregation today and into the future.
We Are Sparkhouse Sparkhouse is a publishing company that seeks to create groundbreaking Christian resources through imagination and collaboration. Sparkhouse is a division of Augsburg Fortress, the ministry of publishing within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Other Augsburg Fortress divisions include Fortress Press and Augsburg Fortress Canada.
Augsburg Fortress This is the publishing company of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Milestones Ministry There mission it to provide congregations and households with resources and coaching services to nurture the Christian faith and reach out to others with the love of God in Christ. At their online store, they now sell some of the resources that used to be available through Vibrant Faith.
Faith Inkubators Faith Inkubators is dedicated to the health and welfare of all God's children and the whole Christian church, its congregations, families and children. They offer curriculm, training and resources.
Peer Ministry Leadership They offer training, resources and strategy help to equip students with skills for caring, welcoming and affirming.
Recharge It is a one-day multi-denominational children’s and youth ministry conference that aims to inspire and equip church staff and volunteers in their efforts to share their faith with the next generation. In 2014 a Recharge event was held in Fargo, ND and will be returning in January 2016. Recharge is facilitated by Youth Leadership and led by a local Recharge Leadership Team in each city. Recharge is the place to gather with others who have a passion to help children, teens and families love, follow and serve Jesus Christ.
Worshiping with Children This is a blog about including children in the congregation's worship using the Revised Common Lectionary.
The Family Box Family Box is a monthly subscription box that promotes faith formation within young Christian families. Each month, four different lessons, crafts and materials are sent to your doorstep to encourage a weekly habit-forming practice of time spent growing as a family in God’s Word. As an added bonus, 10% of your subscription cost gets donated back to the church, school or charity of your choice.
Marilyn Sharpe Ministries LLC Marilyn Sharpe Ministries, LLC, is dedicated to helping congregations equip households to nurture faith in all of the generations, all of the time, wherever they are. She is a congregational coach, trainer, writer, presenter, speaker, retreat leader and teacher. She presents with energy, passion, and contagious enthusiasm.
Old Lutheran - is a company based in Moorhead, MN that makes and sells all kinds of different Lutheran gear and gifts from books, to mugs, to ornaments, hats, shirts and more. They also do custom shirts, etc. for youth ministries, churches and camps.
Things That Matter Podcast - The Things Gang from Nebraska do a podcast about faith and life. In their podcasts they often talk about faith formation and first third of life ministry. And there is almost always a little good humor thrown in. The Things Gang includes: Mitch McCartney, Dir. of Communications for the Nebraska Synod ELCA, Pastor John Backus, Omaha and Jenny Sharrick, former campus ministry leader.
The Confirmation Project - This link takes you an ecumenical research project about Confirmation. They have resources and details about their study and what they hope to accomplish.
Center for First Third Ministry - This center is at Luther Seminary. The center's focus is to equip leaders to cultivate a consequential faith with those in the first third of life.
Lutheran Event Help - A website for "connecting you with Lutheran Creatives for your next big event." They have a list of Artists, Musicians and Speakers who are either Lutheran or have connections to the Lutheran church.
Thrivent Action Teams - One way of supporting and starting a service learning event is by creating a Thrivent Action Team with a member of Thrivent Financial and you can receive $250 to support your project.
Bible Camps in Our Synod:
Park River Bible Camp Red Willow Bible Camp
Campus Ministries in Our Synod:
Christus Rex at UND NDSU Lutheran Center
Safe Gatherings - The Eastern North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is committed to ensuring that we provide safe places of worship and fellowship to everyone we serve. As part of that commitment we are providing information on Safe Gatherings as a resource for you in this important area. Safe Gatherings is an online abuse prevention program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults in group settings. All churches in the Synod are already set up in Safe Gatherings. You can learn more about Safe Gatherings at the link above on the Synod Website.
Way To LEAD - equips leaders & churches with coaches, immersions & resources. Mission…Growing leaders with deep, bold, consequential faith in Jesus Christ. Vision…Leaders growing ministries and faith communities to serve the world, living every day as disciples.