Resources are labeled into 6 categories: C - Children's Ministry, Y - Youth Ministry, YA - Young Adult Ministry, A - Adult Ministry, F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry
We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like. If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.
By John Roberto
The author explores what Faith Formation in the 21st Century could look like. John does a great job or rethinking faith formation.
Published by Lifelong Faith Associates in 2015
by Keith Anderson
This is a really interesting book about what the author calls, "Networked Ministry". He writes about the current wireless culture we live in and compares ministry in this time with that of ministry in a cathedral. It is an interesting and helpful look at rethinking faith formation and ministry.
Published by Morehouse Publishing in 2015
by Leonard Sweet
In this book Leonard Sweet writes about the importance of the table in the Bible and in our lives. He invites the reader to bring back different types of tables in our churches and homes. The table is an important tool in faith formation.
Published by NavPress in 2015
by Diana R. Garland
This is Diana Garland's second edition of this book. If you are looking for a great comprehensive guide to family ministry than this is a great book to read.
Published by IVP Academic in 2012
by Diana R. Garland
This book is about how our faith shapes our family's live. And asks what is it that characterizes faith and spirituality in family life?
Published by Jossey-Bass in 2003
by Mark DeVries
This is the revised and expanded edition of Mark DeVries's Family-Based Youth Ministry book. He writes about an approach to family ministry that takes your work seriously and about involving the whole church family and not just the nuclear family. He says it's important to involve the youth in the whole life of the church.
Published by IVP Books in 2004
by Ben F. Freudenburg and Rick Lawrence
In this book the author tells of his journey across America visiting with family-friendly churches and leaders like Rollie Martinson and Search Institute among others. He tells about what he found that various ministry are doing successfully in Family Ministry and how to be a family-friendly church.
Published by Group Publishing in 2009
by Dr. David W. Anderson
In this book the author talks about the importance of parents in faith formation and how the church has failed to equip parents to do their role in faith formation. He gives suggestions how the church can equip parents to give their children a vibrant faith.
Published by The Youth & Family Institute in 2009
by Dr. David W. Anderson
In this second book about a vibrant faith, Dr. Anderson writes about how churches can implement vibrant faith strategies and involve all generations in ministry. He writes about how different areas of ministry in the church can partner with parents in passing on a vibrant faith to the next generation.
Published by Vibrant Faith Ministry in 2011
It is available at Milestones Ministry
by Dr. David W. Anderson and Dr. Paul G. Hill
In this book the authors challenge the church to shift the center of faith formation from the congregation to a shared center with the home and daily life.
Published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers in 2003
By Kenda Creasy Dean
This is an eye-opening book based on the National Study of Youth and Religion. Kenda Creasy Dean explores why American teenagers are positive about Christianity, but apathetic about genuine religious practice.
Published by Oxford University Press in 2010
by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton
This book tells the story of the religious and spiritual lives of cotemporary American teenagers. It reports the findings of the National Study of Youth and Religion.
Published by Oxford University Press in 2005
(a reprint was done in 2009)
Edited by David M. Czinos & Melvin Bray
This book is based on 21 presentations from the 2012 "Children, Youth & a New Kind of Christianity" conference.
Published by Woodlake in 2013
Edited by David M. Csinos & Melvin Bray
This is the second volume of "Faith Forward: Children, Youth & a New Kind of Christianity". It is based on presentations given after the "Faith Forward" conference in 2014.
Published by CopperHouse in 2015
Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry: From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation
by Andrew Root
Andrew Root encourages leaders to think about why and how they do "relational" ministry. He suggests that "relational" ministry should be an opportunity no to influence young people but to stand with and for young people.
Published by IVP Books in 2007
by Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean
This book takes youth ministry very seriously and takes a theological look at the what, why, how, etc. of youth ministry especially in the 21st century. They go beyond fun and games into theological and scriptural views of youth ministry.
Published by IVP Books in 2011
by Andrew Root
Andrew Root writes about how he feels Bonhoeffer was a forefather and a model of a theological turn in youth ministry. In doing so Andrew writes about a theological vision for discipleship and youth ministry.
Published by Baker Academic in 2014
by Andrew Root
This book is one in a series of 4 books where Andrew Root takes a theological journey through youth ministry. In each book he writes a story about a youth minister wrestling with the use of scripture, theology, mission & theology of the cross.
Published by Zondervan/Youth Specialties in 2012
by Andrew Root
This book is one in a series of 4 books where Andrew Root takes a theological journey through youth ministry. In each book he writes a story about a youth minister wrestling with the use of scripture, theology, mission & theology of the cross.
Published by Zondervan/Youth Specialties in 2012
by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster
In this book the authors lead you through a great description of shepherd youth and not just being their friend, teacher or chaperone. They write about the core and soul of youth ministry centered on Jesus Christ. Many in youth ministry feel this book is a must read for anyone doing ministry with youth.
Published by Upper Room in 1998 and again in 2005
by John Roberto, Wesley Black and Roland Martinson
This book is based on a major ecumenical research project, "The Study of Exemplary Congregations in Youth Ministry". They found 44 faith assets for developing a vibrant Christian faith in young people.
The book is currently out of print, but there is an Kindle version of this book available on Amazon.
Published by EYM Publishing in 2010
Edited by Chap Clark
Five ministry leaders share 5 different views on youth ministry in the 21st century. They also give comments on each others views.
Published by Baker Academic in 2015
by David Olshine
The author of this books asks questions about whether or not we are doing the right things in youth ministry. He suggests we need to rethink how we do youth ministry.
Published by Abingdon Press in 2013
by Rick Chromey and Stephanie Caro
According to the authors, the average church in America has around 75 members, so most churches are smaller churches. But many youth ministry books and resources seem to be geared toward larger churches. In this book the authors give suggestions and tips on doing youth ministry in smaller churches.
Published by Simply Youth Ministry in 2009
by Mark Yaconelli
This book is about listening more intently to God and responding more directly to the needs of students. It is about using contemplative traditions and authentic relationship building. It is a more organic and prayerful view of youth ministry.
Published by Youth Specialties in 2006
The 1 Thing: What Everyone Craves - That Your Church Can Deliver
by Thom & Joani Schultz
Think about ways your church offers an environment where relationships with Jesus and others can flourish.
Published by Group Publishing in 2004
by Reggie Joiner
This book is about how churches (yellow - the light of Christ in the community) and homes (red - love) need to work together. Some say that faith formation is all about the church (yellow) and others say it is all about the home/family (red). The author says that it is both; church and home together (orange).
Published by David C. Cook in 2009
by Reggie Joiner
This is a handbook, companion resource for groups to use in thinking about and working through the "Thinking Orange" process found in the "Think Orange" book.
Published by David C. Cook in 2010
by Reggie Joiner, Elizabeth Hansen & Kristen Ivy
This is 2 books in one. One side of the book is about six things that you can give to a kid over time to have a significant impact on their life. The other side of the book is a short story called "Losing Your Marbles" that makes the six ideas come to life.
Published by Orange, a division of The rethink Group in 2013
by Jim Burns & Mike DeVries
This book is a guide to family-based youth ministry. The authors describe what family-based youth ministry is and give tips on how to partner with parents in ministering to their children.
Published by Bethany House Publishers in 2003
by Brian Haynes
In this book Haynes writes about a practical way plan that equips parents to be the faith influencers in their homes.
Published by Group Publishing in 2009
by Marilyn Sharpe
In this book Marilyn Sharpe helps us examine what it means to understand parenting as a quintessentially spiritual journey. It brings together the wisdom of the experts—those in the field of child development, those who daily live with and shape the lives of children, and by children themselves. Ideal for parents, grandparents, teachers, and childcare providers.
Published by Quill House Publishers in 2009
by Paul E. Hoffman
The author writes about what Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church in Seattle has discovered in the way they do and prepare for baptism and in how they bring in and include new members in their congregation. The book also talks about living the life of faith amongst God's people.
Published by Wipf & Stock Publishers in 2012
by Elizabeth Drescher and Keith Anderson
This book is a practical resource guide for leaders who want to expand ministry by using digital media. Keith Anderson is an ELCA Pastor.
Published by Morehouse Publishing in 2012
by Meredith Gould
If you are thinking about using social media in your ministry this is a very good and short book to read. It is also a good resource for church outreach and evangelism committees.
Published by Liturgical Press in 2013
by Nathan C. P. Frambach
This book is a part of the Lutheran Voices series. In this book the author writes about the current culture of the church and how ministries are emerging to live in the changing church.
Published by Augsburg Fortress in 2007
by Kelly A. Fryer
This book is a part of the Lutheran Voices series. In this book the author gets you thinking about how God calls the church to be a part of God's mission. She gives practical advice on how to transform our ideas of church and what that means for our daily lives.
Published by Augsburg Fortress in 2006
by Kelly A. Fryer
This book is a part of the Lutheran Voices series.
In this book Fryer writes about renewing congregations by living out the core teachings of our Lutheran faith.
Published by Augsburg Fortress in 2003
by Erin S. Lane
Lane writes about her experience in visiting and choosing churches. She writes about the current culture of churches, religion and our country. Erin also writes about what she thinks the "nones & dones" are looking for in spirituality & church.
Published by IVP Books in 2014
by Donald Miller
In this book Miller looks at the Christian faith in new ways. He wonders if the Christian faith is still relevant in a postmodern culture. To him it is, but in new ways and in some old ways. His book is a fresh and original perspective on life, love and redemption. Although Donald's style of writing and frankness, may not be for all readers.
Published by Thomas Nelson in 2003

A conversation with Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, and David Lose about the future of the church recorded Oct. 7, 2013, and hosted by Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., during the Celebration of Biblical Preaching.

At its best, youth ministry develops generative, intergenerational Christ communities that cultivate transformative faith and life in each other and make a difference in God's beloved world. Roland Martinson speaks on how to create intergenerational practices that work. We'll explore together how to bridge the generational divide in our ministry to our youth.

Rethinking Faith Formation: Christian Identity and Practice in a Pluralistic WorldJuly 23-25, 2014Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.
Presentation by Deanna Thompson on the Virtual Body of Christ.
This presentation is from the 2014 Rethinking Faith Formation event at Luther Seminary. You can find other presentations on the Luther Seminary youtube page.

This is a recording of one of the 2015 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.
Who are young people today and what in our cultural narrative impacts how youth hear, interpret, and live out God’s story? Learn about the gifts, energy, and passions youth have for their life of discipleship and how adults can effectively guide and direct their gifts and passions as they live out (and into) their unique stories

This is a recording of one of the 2012 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.

This is a recording of one of the 2013 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.

This is a recording of one of the 2012 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.

This is a recording of one of the 2013 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.
A webinar in the Practice Discipleship Initiative Series. "Faith Formation in a Missional Age" by Dr. Terri Elton. Presented January 13, 2013. For more information, please visit

This is Ian McConnell's presentation at the 2014 ELCA Youth Ministry Network's Extravaganza event. Ian talks about generational frameworks and his experience as a young adult Christian in the church.

This is a recording of one of the 2014 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.
This session will present a way of walking alongside individual young people, communities and families as we help them frame their lives by learning through relationships with surrounding community, learning from an intentional community and learning about yourself through community. We will explore practices of faith that help us frame our lives in solitude and in community.

This is a recording of one of the 2014 Practice Discipleship Webinars. To learn more about Practice Discipleship you can click here.
This is one of the lessons from the "Animate: Practices" Adult Small Group material from Sparkhouse. This session is about living among God's faithful people and how to build community in our churches.
Published by Sparkhouse
This resource are 192 cards divided into 4 categories of sentence starters and questions. They are meant to get all generations talking about life and faith. They come in a handy pouch that can be carried in a backpack or in the glove department of the car or set on the breakfast table.
Currently available through Milestone Ministry, originally created by the Youth & Family Institute of Augsburg College in 2007.
Throw and Tell Balls are great for getting people talking and sharing whether used in a Sunday School Class, youth group, camp, intergenerational group or at home with your family.
They come in several different kinds: Preschool, Children's Ministry, Pre-teen, Attention Grabber, Life-Application, Prayer, Ice Breaker, All About Me, Women's Ice-breaker and Story Tellers.
Published by Group Publishing
by Doug Fields & Brett Eastman
This is a small group curriculum for high schoolers. It has 6 sessions on discipleship (small groups, fellowship, Bible, serving, proclaiming, worship) with each session having 6 lessons. There are videos and student journals for each session. The videos have some good presenters like Mike Yaconelli, Helen Musick, Duffy Robbins & Efrem Smith.
Published by Zondervan/Youth Specialties in 2003

A presentation by Rollie Martinson at Luther Seminary in November, 2015 about Faith Formation in Young Adults
Youth Ministry Games - This link will take you to a Youtube page full of great games to play.
Youth Group Games - This link will take you to a website with a whole bunch of crowd sourced games with simple descriptions.
Helping Children Dealing with Death & Loss - Fred Rogers was not only a beloved children's TV host for many years. He was also a pastor. The "Fred Rogers Company: the legacy lives on" has a good site pages with different parental resources. They have a special page with resources to help children deal with death and loss.
by Kathie Amidei, Jim Merhaut & John Roberto
Faith is passed down from one generation to another. The church is the only place where regularly multiple generations gather together weekly on a regular basis. Although that is changing. This book equips churches to think about how the generations can live together among God's faithful people.
Published by LifelongFaith Associates in 2014