Resources are labeled into 6 categories: C - Children's Ministry, Y - Youth Ministry, YA - Young Adult Ministry, A - Adult Ministry, F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry
We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like. If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.
Youth Ministry Games - This link will take you to a Youtube page full of great games to play.
Youth Group Games - This link will take you to a website with a whole bunch of crowd sourced games with simple descriptions.
Helping Children Dealing with Death & Loss - Fred Rogers was not only a beloved children's TV host for many years. He was also a pastor. The "Fred Rogers Company: the legacy lives on" has a good site pages with different parental resources. They have a special page with resources to help children deal with death and loss.
by Kathie Amidei, Jim Merhaut & John Roberto
Faith is passed down from one generation to another. The church is the only place where regularly multiple generations gather together weekly on a regular basis. Although that is changing. This book equips churches to think about how the generations can live together among God's faithful people.
Published by LifelongFaith Associates in 2014