Resources are labeled into 6 categories:      C - Children's Ministry,   Y - Youth Ministry,  YA - Young Adult Ministry,  A - Adult Ministry,  F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry

We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like.  If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.

World Food Sunday Worship Service and Resources - Google Doc

Y/YA/A/I             Nov 1, 2015

World Food Sunday Worship Other - Google Doc

Y/YA/A/I             Nov 1, 2015

ELCA World Hunger Resources  -  Education material, fundraising material, bulletin inserts, videos, etc.

ELCA Malaria Campaign Resources  -  Posters, crafts, bulletin inserts, videos and more.

ELCA Global Mission  -  Resources about global mission in the 21st century, Accompaniment, Companion Synods, Education, Glocals and Worship.

Lutheran Disaster Response Resources  -  Bulletin Inserts, Worship material, Anniversary Updates, Situation Reports and more.

ELCA Caring for Creation Resources  - Educational materials and resources to help grow in our faith journeys to appreciate and cherish creation and to find different ways to do earth-keeping activities.

ELCA Disability Ministry Resources -  Materials to assist and include people with different abilities in your congregation's ministry.

ELCA Advocacy Resources  -  These resources provide information to educate and equip people to be effective advocates for others.

ELCA Ethnic Specific & Multicultural Resources-  Cross Cultural & Ethnic Ministries material

ELCA Justice for Women Resources - Material on Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Ordination of Women, Sexism and Theology.

 ELCA Peace Not Walls Resources -  The ELCA campaign working for peace with justice in Palestine and Israel.

ELCA Racial Justice Resources  -  Resources, reports and social statements

Talking Race with Youth  -  This link will take you to a web page from Princeton Theological Seminary's Institute for Youth Ministry.  There you will find resources for talking with youth about social justice and how to facilitate meaningful conversations about race.

Lutherans Restoring Creation  -  A resource for the ELCA about caring for God's Good Creation.