Resources are labeled into 6 categories: C - Children's Ministry, Y - Youth Ministry, YA - Young Adult Ministry, A - Adult Ministry, F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry
We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like. If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.
The Confirmation Project - This link takes you an ecumenical research project about Confirmation. They have resources and details about their study and what they hope to accomplish.
By Kara E. Powell & Chap Clark
Fuller Youth Institute, where Powell works, has done research into the faith of teenagers and young adults. They have found that many young adults are not only graduating from High School, they are graduating/leaving their faith when they go off to college or a career after high school youth group. In this book they discuss the research and findings and then offer ideas how to build a faith that lasts beyond high school.
Published by Zondervan in 2011