Resources are labeled into 6 categories:      C - Children's Ministry,   Y - Youth Ministry,  YA - Young Adult Ministry,  A - Adult Ministry,  F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry

We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like.  If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.

 School for Lay Ministry  -  February 6th, 2016 | 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Lutheran Social Services Headquarters,  3911 20th Ave S. Fargo, ND    A Grace That Frees: The Liberating Message of the Lutheran Confessions for the Church Today.    Session One: A Freeing Word    Session Two: Water, Wheat and Freedom    Session Three: Free Love

ELCA Bible Studies - Daily Discipleship and Daily Faith Practices are online downloadable Bible studies based on the Revised Common Lectionary.  Daily Discipleship is based on the Gospel and Daily Faith Practices is based on the Second Lesson.

ELCA Worship Resource Page - There are downloadable resources for worship in these categories: Lectionary, Liturgy, General, Frequent Questions and Table & Font.

CrossOver.Breadlife    A Multi-Generational worship & learning resource for the Time After Pentecost or anytime, based on John 6 – “Bread of Life”   By Sara Yotter & Linda Staats

Advent Coloring Posters     These are unique, handmade, coloring posters that are 4' x 3' and designed by artist Adam Walker Cleaveland. These come in a set of 5 handmade posters that are filled with unique and fun designs that kids will love coloring. But not only kids - adults will also enjoy the chance to sit down and spend some time getting lost in these designs.  Each poster has a hand-lettered word in the middle that corresponds with the four weeks of Advent: Hope, Joy, Peace and Love. There is a fifth poster that has the word Emmanuel in the middle.

Bibles Online:


Enter the Bible - From Luther Seminary

YouVersion Bible - A free Bible on your mobile device or computer.

Musicians & Songwriters:

Rachel Kurtz- Is a talented Lutheran Singer Songwriter from the Twin Cities.  She has been a featured artist at a number of ELCA Youth Gatherings and has ties with our synod.

Agape (David Scherer)  -  Is a talented Lutheran rapper/dancer/speaker from the Twin Cities.  He has been a featured artist at a number of ELCA Youth Gathering and has shared his talents at several EaND Synod Youth Events.

Celia Whitler  -  Is a talented singer-songwriter from Franklin, TN.  She has shared her talents at several EaND Synod Youth Events and a few women's events in our synod.

Lost and Found -  They are a very talented & humorous Lutheran duo of songwriters, singers & musicians.  They have been very popular at youth events and ELCA Youth Gatherings throughout the years.  In 2015 they are wrapping up their farewell tour, but their songs, which are theologically and biblically solid and wonderfully written, will live on.

Dakota Road Music -  Are a talented group of Lutheran songwriters, singers and musicians based out of South Dakota.  They have written many songs that are sung in churches and enjoyed by all ages.  They have performed at our Synod Assembly and will be again in 2016.

Go Fish Guys -  Are a trio from Minnesota that began in Christian Accapella music, but a number of years ago started doing Christian music for kids that won't drive parents crazy.