Resources are labeled into 6 categories:      C - Children's Ministry,  Y - Youth Ministry, YA - Young Adult Ministry,  A - Adult Ministry,  F - Family Ministry, I - Intergenerational Ministry

We are not selling any of these resources, but there are links for some of the resources to where you can purchase them if you like.  If you purchase it from we encourage you to do so through Amazon Smile and support the Eastern North Dakota Synod.

ELCA God's work. Our hands. Sunday - Here are resources for the annual ELCA volunteer Sunday.

Journeys for Youth  -  This link will take you to a website by Lutheran Outdoor Ministries.  It has information and links for adventure and service opportunities throughout the country.  With a long tradition of safely planning and organizing servant experiences and wilderness adventures,
these camps can assist you in leading youth on a life changing faith journey.

Thrivent Action Teams -  One way of supporting and starting a service learning event is by creating a Thrivent Action Team with a member of Thrivent Financial and you can receive $250 to support your project.

Youth Works   - is a non-denominational ministry based out of Minneapolis that offers mission trips all across the country for youth and now also some for families.

Feed My Starving Children  -  is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to our distribution partners. They are located throughout the Twin Cities and they also do mobile pack events.  Each year there is one in Grand Forks that group can participate in.

The Shoe That Grows - The Shoe That Grows is the first project of an organization committed to practical compassion.  Because International was founded in 2009.  They are a 501(c)3 organization headquartered in Nampa, Idaho.  The Shoe that Grows project gives shoes to children in Africa.  Not just ordinary shoes, but shoes that grow with the child, so they will always have shoes to wear.  Your church and/or youth can join in on the project like the 8th graders at Cando Lutheran church did.