The Spark Story Bible
A well written and drawn children's story Bible.
Published by Sparkhouse in 2015
The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People (Selections from the New International Version)
"The Story" is selections of the NIV Bible put in chronological order in 31 chapters. There are Bible studies and versions for all ages.
Published by Zondervan in 2011
Shaped b the Story: Discover the Art of Bible Storying
by Michael Novelli
In this book, Michael Novelli explains the art of Bible storying--an imaginative way to engage in the scriptures through storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. It is an interesting way to lead Bible Study, devotions and perhaps preaching.
In 2012, Michael partnered with sparkhouse to create Echo the Story curriculum, based on his approach to Bible storying.
Published by Sparhouse Press in 2013
Sticky Faith: 52 Family Messages for Big Church
by Group Publishing
This book & CD is full of 3 to 5 minutes activities to use in preaching. They are meant to engage all ages and to be family-friendly.
Published by Group Publishing in 2009
Picture Advent
Picture Advent is an online resource by LECFamily of the Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. They have photo devotions, family activities and other resources for churches all for the season of Advent.
Worshiping With Children
This is a blog by Carolyn C. Brown. She has more than 35 years experience in ministry. Her blog is about ways to included children in the main congregation's worship using the Revised Common Lectionary.
Working Preacher
No only a good resource for preachers but also helpful for those teaching on the lectionary texts. Note that they support the RCL and the new Narrative lectionary schedules.
The Faith 5 from Faith Inkubators
Care to have some fun, keep your family communicating every night, and grow in your understanding of yourself and God? Try this simple five-step process for the next six weeks and see if it doesn’t help! (You can use this resource in any setting including cross-gem/intergen ministry.)
Taking Faith Home Bulletin Inserts
This resource are bulletin inserts that households can take home to continue faith formation at home throughout the week. They are based on the Revised Common Lectionary. It has scripture readings, prayers and other suggestions of how to use the 4 keys of sharing faith (Caring Conversations, Household Devotions, Family Service, Rituals & Traditions). This resource comes on a CD or as a download.
Published by Milestone Ministry
The Family Box
Family Box is a monthly subscription box that promotes faith formation within young Christian families. Each month, four different lessons, crafts and materials are sent to your doorstep to encourage a weekly habit-forming practice of time spent growing as a family in God’s Word. As an added bonus, 10% of your subscription cost gets donated back to the church, school or charity of your choice.
Water Washed and Spirit Born: A Baptism Manual for Youth and Adults
by Daniel Erlander
This is a 40 page booklet for youth and adults preparing for or learning about baptism. It's also a good booklet to discuss discipleship and "living wet".
Published by Daniel Erlander, sold by Augsburg Fortress in 2006
Fed and Forgiven Resource Kit: Communion Preparation
Fed and Forgiven are resources for preparing different ages for Holy Communion. There are resources for grades PreK-K, grades 1-3, grades 4-6 and adults. It uses videos and learner books.
Published by Augsburg Fortress in 2009
Animate Practices / Digital Lesson / Prayer
This is a digital lesson from the Animate: Practices Adult Small Group Series. In this lesson Brian McLaren guides your group through the faith practice of Prayer.
Published by Sparkhouse
Animate Practices / Digital Lesson / Worship
This is a digital lesson from the Animate: Practices Adult Small Group Series. In this lesson Mike Slaughter guides your group through the faith practice of Worship.
Published by Sparkhouse
Animate Practices / Digital Lesson / Sacraments
This is a digital lesson from the Animate: Practices Adult Small Group Series. In this lesson Phyllis Tickle guides your group through the faith practice of the Sacraments.
Published by Sparkhouse
Cast of Characters: Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God
By Max Lucado
In this book the author tells stories of how God works through common people in the Bible and stories of common people in modern times. It's a good book to discuss about, "God's work. Our Hands."
Published by Thomas Nelson in 2010
God's Story, Your Story: When His Becomes Yours (The Story)
by Max Lucado
In this book Lucado writes about how we are a part of God's ongoing story. He weaves New Testament stories with contemporary examples of God's story-making skills.
Published by Zondervan in 2011
You Are Special
by Max Lucado
This story is about how in God's eyes we are special and how we are made in God's image. Everyone has special talents to share.
Published by Crossway in 1997
You Are Mine
by Max Lucado
Another book in Lucado's "Wimmicks" series of books. This sequel tells about Punchinello, who learns that he is God's child. All are special, not because of the things you have, but because we are God's.
Published by Crossway in 2001