Sticky Faith: Everyday ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
By Kara E. Powell & Chap Clark
Fuller Youth Institute, where Powell works, has done research into the faith of teenagers and young adults. They have found that many young adults are not only graduating from High School, they are graduating/leaving their faith when they go off to college or a career after high school youth group. In this book they discuss the research and findings and then offer ideas how to build a faith that lasts beyond high school.
Published by Zondervan in 2011
Sticky Faith, Youth Worker Edition
Sticky Faith, Youth Worker Edition: Practical Ideas to Nurture Long-Term Faith in Teenagers
by Kara E. Powell, Brad M. Griffin & Dr. Cheryl A. Crawford
This is a Youth Worker Edition of the "Sticky Faith" series. They present a theological/philosophical framework and practical programming ideas that develop long-term faith in teenagers.
Published by Zondervan in 2011
The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family
The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family: Over 100 Practical and Tested Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Kids
By Dr. Kara E. Powell
This is another resource from Fuller Youth Institute in their "Sticky Faith" series. In this book Powell provides practical ideas to use for building a faith that lasts in your family.
Published by Zondervan in 2014
The Seasons of Adult Faith Formation
By John Roberto
In this book John Roberto explores ways churches can develop faith formation for every season of adulthood: young adults, midlife adults, mature adults, and older adults.
Published by Lifelong Faith Publications in 2015
Upacking Scripture in Youth Ministry
by Andrew Root
This book is one in a series of 4 books where Andrew Root takes a theological journey through youth ministry. In each book he writes a story about a youth minister wrestling with the use of scripture, theology, mission & theology of the cross.
Published by Zondervan/Youth Specialties in 2013
Shaped by the Story: Discover the Art of Bible Storying
by Michael Novelli
In this book, Michael Novelli explains the art of Bible storying--an imaginative way to engage in the scriptures through storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. It is an interesting way to lead Bible Study, devotions and perhaps preaching.
In 2012, Michael partnered with sparkhouse to create Echo the Story curriculum, based on his approach to Bible storying.
Published by Sparhouse Press in 2013
Let's Kill Sunday School - Before it Kills the Church
by Dr. Rich Melheim and Friends
In this book the authors talk about the current culture and effectiveness and suggest some new ways of doing Sunday morning faith formation.
Published by Faith Inkubators
Crazy Book: A Not So Stuffy Dictionary of Biblical Terms
by Rolf A Jacobson, Karl N. Jacobson & Hans H. Wiersma
A light hearted but scripturally & theologically sound dictionary of Biblical terms.
Published by Augsburg Books in 2009
Crazy Talk: A Not-So-Stuffy Dictionary of Theological Terms
by Rolf A Jacobson
A light hearted but scripturally & theologically sound dictionary of Theological terms.
Published by Augsburg Books in 2008
The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
by Meredith Gould
If you are thinking about using social media in your ministry this is a very good and short book to read. It is also a good resource for church outreach and evangelism committees.
Published by Liturgical Press in 2013
The book of faith
The book of faith is an initiative of the ELCA to encourage all ages to open and explore the Bible. There are various resources on this site.
Working Preacher
No only a good resource for preachers but also helpful for those teaching on the lectionary texts. Note that they support the RCL and the new Narrative lectionary schedules.
Echo The Story - Bible Study
This is a Youth Bible Study curriculum by Sparkhouse. There is a 12 week version and a 36 week version. It used video, storytelling, art and sharing to go through the Bible as one great story. It involves youth watching a Bible Story, drawing an object to associate with the story, hearing the Bible Story and then retelling the story in their own words or pictures and sharing it with someone else.
Colaborate - Confirmation Curriculum
by Sparkhouse
Colaborate is the new hands-on investigative confirmation curriculum from Ausgsburg Fortress an Sparkhouse. It uses videos, Bibles and hands-on activities for faith formation of youth focused on the Bible, faith and what it means to be a Christian. As of November 2015 there are 2 units: A Comprehensive Bible Study and Fearless Faith Formation.
Re:Form - Youth Curriculum
By Sparkhouse
Re:Form is a Faith-formation series for youth that uses humor, hands-on activities, videos and real substance. It can be used as a part of confirmation, Sunday School or in youth small groups.
Spark - Activate Faith Curriculum
A set of resources designed to activate faith.
Sunday School Curriculum in 4 different models: Classroom, Lectionary, Rotation & Summer
Spark Bibles : Children's Story Bible & a NRSV Student Bible
Sparkhouse Family: Children's Books & Bibles, Family Devotional
Published by Sparkhouse
Whirl - Lectionary Sunday School
by Sparkhouse
Whirl is a three-year curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary for children in Preschool through 6th grade. It uses video, special Bibles and hands-on activities.
Holy Moly - Sunday School Curriculum
by Sparkhouse
This curriculum is about igniting the biblical imaginations of Kindergarteners through 4th graders. It uses videos & special Bibles in 10 units that can be covered in two years.
Connect - Sunday School Curriculum
By Sparkhouse
This curriculum is meant for pre-teens in grades 5 & 6. It is a Bible and video based curriculum that gives an overview of the Old and New Testaments. Five Units per Testament with six lessons in each unit.
Faith Lens
Faith Lens is a weekly (during the school year) look at the lessons that uses current events and relevant questions to get people talking. It is put out by the ELCA.