Adult Faith Formation
Two questions were asked about Faith Formation for adults. We asked who offered faith formation for adults and if you do what materials have you used. Several congregations said "various" & "They create their own". But many also listed different resources and we have them listed below. To see who the contact people are that answered this survey please use this link to ask for the password if you have some questions for them.
Do you offer faith formation for adults?
50 ministries answered this question
Yes 92% (46)
No 8% (4)
What materials have you used for Adult faith formation?
St. John's, Jamestown : Journey together faithfully (II), self developed Bible study. Book studies
Bethel & Our Savior's, Rogers & Dazey: Small Catechism
St. Matthew's, Thompson: We use all sorts of things. Our Men in Mission tend to choose a book or video series and work through that. Our WELCA ladies do a woman of faith bible study book each year. Our wine, women and the word and sisters of strength groups do a in house created study of upcoming worship texts. Our DIGG group does a combo of prepared materials, guest speakers, and in house creations.
Our Savior's, Devils Lake: Augsburg Fortess & self-created
United, Langdon: The Bible & ELCA Daily Discipleship
Our Savior's, Valley City: Text, Daily Discipleship
Cando/Bisbee: Gather, Create my own
Trinity, Valley City: ELCA Daily Discipleship, various readings/books
Faith, Valley City: Daily Discipleship & Augsburg Fortress
Northern Cass Parish, Arthur & Hunter: Making Sense of Scripture, David Lose Bad Girls of the Bible The Greatest Story, Augsburg The Bible (reading through a particular book and discussing as we go along)
Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner: Gather Magazine, Daniel Erlander Manna and Mercy, we are going to use Animate this fall. Dwelling in the Word
Zoar, LaMoure: We are just in the beginning stages of Adult Faith Formation, so as of now, we don't use specific materials. Largely, it's Bible study, but we also have some thematic studies (What is a Lutheran?, Faith and Science, etc.)
United Lutheran, Grand Forks: Animate, various Augsburg Fortress materials
Grafton Lutheran, Grafton: Book of Faith, Gather Magazine, Create our own.
Olivet, Fargo: Lectionary Series, Book of Faith Paraclete Press materials Crossways The Greatest Story--(Augsburg Fortress) Weekly lectionary study Others--self-written
Calvary, Grand Forks: Bible..I write my own Bible studies. Books I like, sometime Luther Seminary's "enter the Bible"
Hope, Fargo: Life Way, Willow Creek
Atonement, Jamestown: Create our own Bible Studies
Bethlehem, Fargo: Create our own, Augsburg Fortress
First, Fargo: Our own, Beth Moore, Max Lucado, Randy Frazee, plus a wide variety of others
Northern Lights Parish: We study the books of the Bible
Our Savior's, Colfax: Create my own, Daily Discipleship
Milnor: We've used "Manna and Mercy", the Bible, and about to start a book study using Richard Rohr's "Falling Upward."
Trinity, Jamestown: Book of Faith, The Lutheran Course
Faith+Journey, West Fargo: Animate
Our Savior's, Rolla: Parish Callers various small group Bible studies video presentations Divine Drama/Crossways
Who is the contact person for adult Faith formation for your church?
If you would like to see who the contact people are for adult faith formation at churches in our synod you can request the password here.