Faith Formation Survey 2016

In the fall of 2016 a survey was taken of churches & ministries in the Eastern North Dakota Synod about what resources they used in faith formation and what their faith formation ministries looked like.  Below are the results of that survey.

Symbols of Faith.JPG

Sunday School

This section of the survey asked questions on Sunday School models, curriculum, grades, Midweek options,



This section of the survey asked questions about age levels, models, curriculum, elements of confirmation programs.


Adult Faith Formation

This section of the survey asked questions about curriculum & resources used in learning opportunities for adults.

Survey Respondents & Contacts

If you would like to visit with a congregation or ministry leader in our synod about the faith formation resources they use or the faith formation program they use, you can access the list of survey respondents to see who is using what curriculum & resources and their contact information.  To access this list send an e-mail request for the password to the list by clicking the block below.