
Ministries in our synod were asked 8 questions about their confirmation ministries.  To see who the contact people are that answered this survey please use this link to ask for the password if you have some questions for them.


What Grade do you start your confirmation program?

49 ministries answered this question

3rd Grade          8%  (4)

5th Grade          6%  (3)

6th Grade          16%  (8)

7th Grade           61%  (30)

8th Grade           8%   (4)

Does your congregation have weekly confirmation classes?

49 ministries answered this question

94% said YES (46)

4% said NO (2)

2% said..........

What grade do you start having weekly confirmation classes/gatherings?

47 ministries answered this question

5th Grade        2%  (1)

6th Grade        19%  (9)

7th Grade        70%  (33)

8th Grade        9%    (4)

What grade do students affirm their faith?

49 ministries answered this question

8th Grade     22%  (11)

9th Grade     33%  (16)

10th Grade   39%   (19)

11th Grade   4%    (2)

Other            2%    (1)

What model do you use for confirmation classes?

47 ministries answered this question

Individual grades taught by Pastor or staff         28%  (13)

Individual grades taught by church members     6%    (3)

Large Group / Small Group                               45%  (21)

Grades grouped together                                    45%  (21)

Retreats                                                              13%  (6)

Individual Study                                                 4%   (2)

Family or Intergenerational Classes                     11%  (5)

What curriculum do you use?

49 ministries answered this question

Here We Stand (Augsburg Fortress)       16% (8)

- St. John, Jamestown; St. Olaf, Devils Lake; Immanuel, Jamestown; United, Cavalier; Our Savior's, Valley City; Lakota; Trinity, Jamestown; Walhalla-Big Pembina; 

Collaborate (Augsburg Fortress)             14% (7)

- Our Savior's, Devils Lake; United, Langdon; Grand Forks Rural Parrish; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Olivet, Fargo; Morning Star Parish;

Re:Form (We Are Sparkhouse)               24% (12)

- Bethel & Our Savior's, Rogers & Dazey; St. Olaf, Devils Lake, St. Matthew's, Thompson; Our Savior's, Devils Lake; Our Savior's, Valley City; Grand Forks Rural Parrish; Northern Cass, Arthur & Hunter; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Grafton; Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo; University, Grand Forks; Milnor;  

Echo the Story (We Are Sparkhouse)      4%   (2)

- St. Olaf, Devils Lake; Sundahl, Aneta; 

Head to Heart (Faith Inkubators)           12%  (6)

- United, Grand Forks; Faith, Valley City; Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo; Faith+Journey, West Fargo;   

Create Our Own                                     51%  (25)

- St. Matthew's, Thompson; Cando/Bisbee; Trinity, Valley City; Zoar, LaMoure; Grafton; Calvary, Grand Forks; First, Enderlin; St. Paul's, Tower City; Buffalo; St. John, Fargo; Zion, Hoople; Our Savior, Page; Hope, Fargo; Atonement, Jamestown; Northern Lights Parrish; Our Savior's, Colfax; Richland, Walcott; University, Grand Forks; St. Mark's, Grand Forks; Zion; Trinity, Jamestown; Kindred; Sundahl, Aneta

Other                                                      20%   (10)

- Elim, Fargo, First, Fargo; Bethlehem, Fargo; Morning Star Parish; Our Savior's, Rolla; 

Do you use any of these program elements?

49 answered this question

Worship/Sermon Notes      78%  (38)

Service Projects                   86%  (42)

Faith Statements                 73%  (36)

Confirmation Mentors        53%  (26)

Memorization                      33%   (16)

Interview with Pastor or staff       63%   (31)

What grade do you do first communion?

47 ministries answered this question

3rd Grade                                    2%    (1)

4th Grade                                    11%  (5)

5th Grade                                    62%  (29)                        

6th Grade                                     2%  (1)

At Affirmation of Baptism             0%

Whenever the Pastor & parents agree the child is ready   45%  (21)