What Grade do you start your confirmation program?
49 ministries answered this question
3rd Grade 8% (4)
5th Grade 6% (3)
6th Grade 16% (8)
7th Grade 61% (30)
8th Grade 8% (4)
Does your congregation have weekly confirmation classes?
49 ministries answered this question
94% said YES (46)
4% said NO (2)
2% said..........
What grade do you start having weekly confirmation classes/gatherings?
47 ministries answered this question
5th Grade 2% (1)
6th Grade 19% (9)
7th Grade 70% (33)
8th Grade 9% (4)
What grade do students affirm their faith?
49 ministries answered this question
8th Grade 22% (11)
9th Grade 33% (16)
10th Grade 39% (19)
11th Grade 4% (2)
Other 2% (1)
What model do you use for confirmation classes?
47 ministries answered this question
Individual grades taught by Pastor or staff 28% (13)
Individual grades taught by church members 6% (3)
Large Group / Small Group 45% (21)
Grades grouped together 45% (21)
Retreats 13% (6)
Individual Study 4% (2)
Family or Intergenerational Classes 11% (5)
What curriculum do you use?
49 ministries answered this question
Here We Stand (Augsburg Fortress) 16% (8)
- St. John, Jamestown; St. Olaf, Devils Lake; Immanuel, Jamestown; United, Cavalier; Our Savior's, Valley City; Lakota; Trinity, Jamestown; Walhalla-Big Pembina;
Collaborate (Augsburg Fortress) 14% (7)
- Our Savior's, Devils Lake; United, Langdon; Grand Forks Rural Parrish; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Olivet, Fargo; Morning Star Parish;
Re:Form (We Are Sparkhouse) 24% (12)
- Bethel & Our Savior's, Rogers & Dazey; St. Olaf, Devils Lake, St. Matthew's, Thompson; Our Savior's, Devils Lake; Our Savior's, Valley City; Grand Forks Rural Parrish; Northern Cass, Arthur & Hunter; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Grafton; Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo; University, Grand Forks; Milnor;
Echo the Story (We Are Sparkhouse) 4% (2)
- St. Olaf, Devils Lake; Sundahl, Aneta;
Head to Heart (Faith Inkubators) 12% (6)
- United, Grand Forks; Faith, Valley City; Lutheran Church of the Cross, West Fargo; Faith+Journey, West Fargo;
Create Our Own 51% (25)
- St. Matthew's, Thompson; Cando/Bisbee; Trinity, Valley City; Zoar, LaMoure; Grafton; Calvary, Grand Forks; First, Enderlin; St. Paul's, Tower City; Buffalo; St. John, Fargo; Zion, Hoople; Our Savior, Page; Hope, Fargo; Atonement, Jamestown; Northern Lights Parrish; Our Savior's, Colfax; Richland, Walcott; University, Grand Forks; St. Mark's, Grand Forks; Zion; Trinity, Jamestown; Kindred; Sundahl, Aneta
Other 20% (10)
- Elim, Fargo, First, Fargo; Bethlehem, Fargo; Morning Star Parish; Our Savior's, Rolla;
Do you use any of these program elements?
49 answered this question
Worship/Sermon Notes 78% (38)
Service Projects 86% (42)
Faith Statements 73% (36)
Confirmation Mentors 53% (26)
Memorization 33% (16)
Interview with Pastor or staff 63% (31)
What grade do you do first communion?
47 ministries answered this question
3rd Grade 2% (1)
4th Grade 11% (5)
5th Grade 62% (29)
6th Grade 2% (1)
At Affirmation of Baptism 0%
Whenever the Pastor & parents agree the child is ready 45% (21)