Sunday School

Four questions were asked about Faith Formation for children and youth.  Primarily about what most churches call Sunday School, but one question was also asked about Wednesday School or Faith Formation on other days of the week.  To see who the contact people are that answered this survey please use this link to ask for the password if you have some questions for them.


What model do you use for Sunday School?

51 ministries answered this question

Classrooms by grade                 47% (24 ministries)

Groups of grades together         47%  (24 ministries)

Rotational                                 20%  (10 ministries)

Family (where parents attend with their children as a family)  7.84%  (4 ministries)

Intergenerational                        4%   (2 ministries)

Other                                         12%  (6 ministries)

What Curriculum do you use for Sunday school?

47 ministries answered this question

Spark Lectionary (We Are Sparkhouse)          28%  (13)

- St. Olaf, Devils Lake; St. Matthew's, Thompson; Elim, Fargo; Faith, Valley City; Grand Forks Rural Parish; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Zoar, LaMoure; Olivet, Fargo; Our Savior, Page; Northern Lights Parish; St. Mark's, Grand Forks;

Spark Classroom (We Are Sparkhouse)          19% (9)

 - United, Cavalier; Our Savior's, Valley City; Cando & Bisbee; Trinity, Valley City; Lakota; Grafton; Calvary, Grand Forks; First, Enderlin; St. Mark's, Grand Forks

Spark Rotation (We Are Sparkhouse)            17% (8)

- Bethlehem, Fargo;  Atonement, Jamestown; First, Fargo; Milnor; Grafton; Gustaf Adolf, Gwinner; Northern Cass Parish, Arthur & Hunter;

Create their own                                             19%  (9)

 - Immanuel, Jamestown;  Church of the Cross, West Fargo; St. Paul's, Tower City & Buffalo; Hope, Fargo; University, Grand Forks; Morning Star, Tolna; Trinity, Jamestown; Our Savior's, Rolla;

Whirl (We Are Sparkhouse)                            11%  (5)

- United, Grand Forks; United, Langdon; Zoar, LaMoure; Zion, Hoople;

Faith Inkubators                                             4%  (2)

- Faith+Journey, West Fargo;

Dig In (Group Publishing)                             2% (1)

- Our Savior's, Devils Lake

Other                                                             13%  (6)

 - St. John, Fargo; Our Saviors, Colfax; Richland, Walcott; Walhalla-Big Pembina; Kindred;

what grades do you have in Sunday School?

50 ministries answered this question

Nursery (more than just during worship)    2% (1)                                                  

Preschool I (3 year olds)                            56%  (28)

Preschool II (4 year olds)                           84%  (42)

Kindergarten                                             94%  (47)

1st Grade                                                  94%  (47)

2nd Grade                                                 96%  (48)

3rd Grade                                                  98%  (49)

4th Grade                                                  96%  (48)

5th Grade                                                  90%  (45)

6th Grade                                                  74%  (37)

7th Grade                                                  24%  (12)

8th Grade                                                  18%  (9)

9th Grade                                                  10%  (5)

10th Grade                                                8%   (4)

11th Grade                                                8%   (4)

12th Grade                                                8%   (4)

Adult                                                         22%  (11)

Other                                                         6%  (3)

Do you offer a Wednesday School or Sunday school Experience at some other time in the week, that is not confirmation?

22 ministries said YES

- Congregations include:  St. Olaf, Devils Lake; Bethel & Our Savior's, Rogers & Dazey; United, Grand Forks; Our Savior's, Devils Lake; Our Savior's, Valley City; Cando & Bisbee; Faith, Valley City; Grand Forks Rural Parish; Lakota; Olivet, Fargo; Calvary, Grand Forks; First. Fargo; Atonement, Jamestown; Bethlehem, Fargo; Northern Lights Parish; Our Saviors, Colfax; Richland, Walcott; University, Grand Forks; Faith+Journey, West Fargo; Milnor; Morning Star, Tolna; Walhalla-Big Pembina; Sundahl, Aneta

22 ministries said NO

9 skipped this question.